‘Activism in Words’: a LitLit Panel Discussion
LitLit – An exploration of how activism and publishing work together. Participants include Jessica M. Wilson Cárdenas of Tia Chucha, Dawn Finley of the Feminist
LitLit – An exploration of how activism and publishing work together. Participants include Jessica M. Wilson Cárdenas of Tia Chucha, Dawn Finley of the Feminist
VOA Amharic – ከሃያ ዓመታት በላይ የኢትዮጵያን ታሪክ የሚዘክሩ መጽሃፍትን ካሳተመው የፀሐይ አሳታሚ ድርጅት ሃላፊ ኤልያስ ወንድሙ ጋር ያደረግነውን አጭር ወግ እነሆ።
VOA’s Straight Talk Africa – In this episode of Straight Talk Africa, host Shaka Ssali explores the first year in office of Ethiopian Prime Minister
On this episode of Straight Talk Africa, publisher, editor and CEO of Tsehai Publishers Elias Wondimu joins us from Loyola Marymount University in Los
ETHIOPIAN HERALD – Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s second call to the Diaspora communities to up their contributions to the Ethiopian Diaspora Trust Fund (EDTF) has
FANA – ሶሎሜ ሾው አዘጋጅ ሶሎሜ ታደሰ ከኤልያስ ወንድሙ ጋር ያደረገችው ቃለመጠይቅ። Solome Tadesse, Solome Show’s producer and host, interview with Elias Wondimug